These days Avilés, a town of 84.000 inhabitants in Asturias, is frequently on the news because it's socialist city councillor for women's affairs wants the organizers of a beer fest to change their poster announcing the event as she deems it sexist. The poster is the one acompanying this post
and the question is debated widely in the Spanish blogosphere. Helpfully a blogger already has put together a collection of American posters inviting to similar events.
The link is here.
If the authorities in Munich thought as the councillor in Avilés does they would have to impose dress codes on the waitresses there...
All of this might be part of what Javier Marías sees as a growing trend in Spanish society of prohibiting everything that you do not like. There certainly is this trend but a lot of things they want to prohibit I would prohibit, too, e.g. smoking in restaurants, bars and other public places or bull fighting in Catalonia (I would prohibit it in all of Spain, too).
Some distraction for Blue Monday 2025
1 week ago