Until last night I had a slight weakness for James Bond movies, especially the not politically correct ones from the 1970s, and saw more or less all that they put on television. Then I watched "Casino Royale" which I had taped from Spanish public television TVE. It is the most disgustingly violent I have ever seen. And for a few minutes, James Bond is driving around in a Ford Mondeo, a Ford. Then he is asked for the brand of his watch: "Rolex?" - "No, Omega." Ridiculous. Maybe it contains some lessons for poker players. Towards the end, Bond's fighting around with a small army of well-armed opponents brings down a Venetian
palazzo. The denouement takes for ever; and I do not know how the movie ends - though I imagine that James survives - because TVE started the movie later then scheduled and put in so many commercials that it did not fit on a three-hour cassette - ah, yes, I am still using an old-fashioned VCR. No more new Bond movies with Daniel Craig for me!
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