Natasha Singer wrote a thought-provoking article on "How Aging Populations May Crimp the World's Finances". It should be read by all those who still doubt that radical reforms of public pension systems are necessary. With people living longer and populations shrinking in most developed (i.e. rich) countries, it's time to act if one wants to prevent grave intergenerational inequalities and the resulting conflicts; it does not mean to abandon public pensions but to share the costs between generations equitatively; as far as I have heard, in India there are already people killing their parents if they cannot afford to feed them any longer - and we do not want to get to such an extreme... The article published in the New York Times is
We are on a quest, and are not discouraged by our collective suspicion that the perfection we look for in art is about as likely to turn up as is the Holy Grail. That is one of the reasons we, I mean we humans, are not only the creators, translators and consumers of literature, but also its subjects.